Nunavik Nickel Project - Phase 2 b

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Questions and comments (English translation coming soon)
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The nickel and copper deposit of the Delta project will be mined from an open pit and two underground mines with
a total lifecycle of about 7 years.
Several surface infrastructures will be necessary
Access road to the site about 16 km from Ivakkak, with a right of way of 22 m on the ground, and crossing 5 permanent watercourses
(WC), 3 of which are fish habitats, and 2 intermittent WC
Access roads to the various infrastructures on the Delta site
Access road about 5.18 km long to the lake intended for drinking water withdrawal, with a right of way of 22 m on the ground, and
crossing 1 permanent WC, which is a fish habitat, and 3 intermittent WC.
Mine infrastructures
o One open pit
o Two access portals to the underground mines
o Ventilation chimneys and emergency exit
o Temporary waste rock pile of 9.65 ha
o Two ore piles (one per underground mine)
o Clean and contaminated water catchment ditches
o MCP, retention dike and spillway
o Minewater treatment plant (WTP)
o Double effluent (sanitary + mine) in the Little Puvirnituq River.
o Pad and sifting and crushing equipment (for waste rock backfill)
o Two magazines (explosives + detonators)
o Domed cement slurry plant
Related infrastructures
o Three quarries along the Delta-Ivakkak road
o Camp for a maximum of 150 workers
o Fresh water pumping station (at the lake)
o Potable water treatment plant
o Domestic wastewater treatment plant
o Maintenance shop and warehouses
o Other infrastructures related to the camp: core bank, maintenance shop, workshop, HW storage area, generators, electric cables,
oil tanks and service station.
o One or two telecommunication towers.
o Northern landfill (LEMN)